{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "serviceDescription": "CONDO_: condo unit number and also the last 3 digits of the PIN15\nMAPNAM: first 6 digits of PIN15 map and submap\nPIN15: the primary tax parcel identifier OR WATERBODY NAME\nDeedDate_2: formatted most recent deed date for property\nOWNER: tax parcel owner\nDBOOK: deed book containing most recent deed to property\nDPAGE: deed page containing most recent deed to property\nDDATE: unformatted most recent deed date for property\nSALE_PRICE: recorded sale price\nLAND_VALUE: value of land on property\nSTRUC_VAL: value of structure(s) on property\nOTHER_VAL: other value of the property\nBLT_CONDO: year condo was built\nMAIL_CITY: mailing address city\nMAIL_ST: property owner mailing address street name\nMAIL_ZI4: mailing address zip +4\nMAIL_ZI5: mailing address zip code\nTOWNSHIP: township code\nNBHD: Neighborhood code\nFIRE_DIST: tax fire district that the parcel is within\nTOT_SQ_FT: total square footage of structure on property\nROLL_TYPE: NEEDED ANYMORE: roll type of property (regularly taxed property or tax-exempt)\nBATHROOMS: number of bathrooms\nBEDROOMS: number of bedrooms\nSITE_HOUSE: site address house number\nSITE_ST: site address street name\nSITE_DIR: site address street directional\nSITE_STTYP: site address street suffix (e.g. Dr., St., etc.)\nSITE_APTNO: site address unit\nSITE_CITY: site address city/community\nTotal_EMV: total estimated tax value\nCONDO_SQFT: condo unit square foot\nUse_code: land use code\nUse_desc: land use description\nPerm_N1: permit #1\nPerm_N2: permit #2\nPerm_Ty1: permit #1 type\nPerm_Ty2: permit #2 type\nPerm_De1: permit #1 description\nPerm_De2: permit #2 description\nPerm_Is1: permit #1 issue date\nPerm_Is2: permit #2 issue date\nSCH_Dat1: permit #1 scheduled completion date\nSCH_Dat2: permit #2 scheduled completion date\nACTL_DA1: permit #1 actual completion date \nACTL_DA2: permit #2 actual completion date\nFondTyp1: foundation type 1\nFondDes1: foundation type 1 description\nExWllTyp1: exterior wall type 1\nExWllDes1: exterior wall type 1 description\nExWllTyp2: exterior wall type 2\nExWllDes2: exterior wall type 2 description\nHeatTyp1: heating type 1\nHeatDes1: heating type 1 description\nFlrTyp1: flooring type 1\nFlrDes1: flooring type 1 description\nFlrTyp2: flooring type 2\nFlrDes2: flooring type 2 description\nRStrTyp1: roof structure type 1\nRCovTyp1: roof covering type 1\nRCovDes1: roof covering type 1 description\nRCovTyp2: roof covering type 2\nRCovDes2: roof covering type 2 description\nHtdSqFt: heated square footage of structure on the property\nMUNICIPALITY: if in corporate limits or ETJ\nBITekPIN: same as PIN15 \nBITekMAPNUM: first 4 digits of PIN15; digits 1-4\nBITekBLOCK: two digit block number; digits 5-6\nBITekPDOT: part of the PIN15; digits number 7-10\nCONDO: part of the PIN15; digits number 11-13\nBITekMOTHER: not used;if a parcel was split from another parcel, the new parcel number would be considered the child and the original would be considered the parent or mother\nBItekPRID: not used; old parcel number style based on prior mapping system before NC Grid system maps\nMAIL_ADDRESS1: concatenated mailing address\nMAIL_ADDRESS2: secondary mailing address\nRESCUE_DIST: tax rescue district that the parcel is within\nLEGAL_DSC: legal description\nTOTAL_ACR: total deeded acreage\nY_BLT_HOUS: year house was built\nRStrDes1: roof structure type 1 description\nCondition:condition code\nGrade: tax grade\nLandUnitType: ?\nPLATBOOK: recorded plat book\nPLATPAGE: recorded plat page\nGISPIN: NEEDS TO BE WORKED ON; parcel number or description??\nGISMAPU: not used - first 4 of PIN15\nGISBLOCK: not used - digits 5 & 6 of PIN15\nGISPDOT: not used - digits number 11-13 of PIN15\nGISMOTHER: not used - \nWHAT: acreage calculated within ArcGIS\nCalculatedLandUnits: tax office calculation\nNeighborhoodName: neighborhood code description\nOWNER2: secondary tax parcel owner\nRisk_level: risk level for military air plane accident potential within the AICUZ zones\nNoise_lvl: noise level zones surrounding military air bases\naicuz: stands for \"Air Installation Compatible Use Zone\"; planning zones pertaining to military air bases and the surrounding real estate\nPhysicalAddress: site address concatenated\nFullMailingAddress: full mailing address concatenated\n", "hasVersionedData": false, "hasArchivedData": false, "supportsDisconnectedEditing": false, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "supportsRelationshipsResource": true, "syncEnabled": false, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON", "maxRecordCount": 10000, "maxRecordCountFactor": 1, "capabilities": "Query", "description": "", "copyrightText": "Carteret County Information Technology Department- GIS Division", "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102719, "latestWkid": 2264 }, "initialExtent": { "xmin": 2501374.941591088, "ymin": 393986.69907389034, "xmax": 2940534.528106268, "ymax": 550564.6951098933, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102719, "latestWkid": 2264 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2550063.314000964, "ymin": 311486.35097423196, "xmax": 2891846.155696392, "ymax": 539180.0120558143, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102719, "latestWkid": 2264 } }, "allowGeometryUpdates": true, "allowTrueCurvesUpdates": false, "onlyAllowTrueCurveUpdatesByTrueCurveClients": false, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds": false, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "units": "esriFeet", "documentInfo": { "Title": "Parcels", "Author": "", "Comments": "This data provides the geographic location for parcel boundary lines within the jurisdiction of the Carteret County, NC and is based on recorded surveys and deeds. This dataset is maintained by the Carteret County Mapping/Land Records Division. Data is updated on an as needed basis.", "Subject": "This data provides the geographic location for parcel boundary lines within the jurisdiction of the Carteret County, NC and is based on recorded surveys and deeds. This dataset is maintained by the Carteret County Mapping/Land Records Division. ", "Category": "", "Keywords": "parcels,tax,boundary,Carteret,cadastral" }, "supportsQueryDomains": true, "layers": [ { "id": 0, "name": "parcel_boundaries", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon" } ], "tables": [], "relationships": [], "enableZDefaults": false, "allowUpdateWithoutMValues": false, "referenceScale": 0 }