{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Parceldata", "guid": "9FF30E0C-E7DB-4FE9-8D66-6FE5E61A842E", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This data provides the geographic location for parcel boundary lines within the jurisdiction of the Carteret County, NC and is based on recorded surveys and deeds. ", "description": "CONDO_: condo unit number and also the last 3 digits of the PIN15\nMAPNAM: first 6 digits of PIN15 map and submap\nPIN15: the primary tax parcel identifier OR WATERBODY NAME\nDeedDate_2: formatted most recent deed date for property\nOWNER: tax parcel owner\nDBOOK: deed book containing most recent deed to property\nDPAGE: deed page containing most recent deed to property\nDDATE: unformatted most recent deed date for property\nSALE_PRICE: recorded sale price\nLAND_VALUE: value of land on property\nSTRUC_VAL: value of structure(s) on property\nOTHER_VAL: other value of the property\nBLT_CONDO: year condo was built\nMAIL_CITY: mailing address city\nMAIL_ST: property owner mailing address street name\nMAIL_ZI4: mailing address zip +4\nMAIL_ZI5: mailing address zip code\nTOWNSHIP: township code\nNBHD: Neighborhood code\nFIRE_DIST: tax fire district that the parcel is within\nTOT_SQ_FT: total square footage of structure on property\nROLL_TYPE: NEEDED ANYMORE: roll type of property (regularly taxed property or tax-exempt)\nBATHROOMS: number of bathrooms\nBEDROOMS: number of bedrooms\nSITE_HOUSE: site address house number\nSITE_ST: site address street name\nSITE_DIR: site address street directional\nSITE_STTYP: site address street suffix (e.g. Dr., St., etc.)\nSITE_APTNO: site address unit\nSITE_CITY: site address city/community\nTotal_EMV: total estimated tax value\nCONDO_SQFT: condo unit square foot\nUse_code: land use code\nUse_desc: land use description\nPerm_N1: permit #1\nPerm_N2: permit #2\nPerm_Ty1: permit #1 type\nPerm_Ty2: permit #2 type\nPerm_De1: permit #1 description\nPerm_De2: permit #2 description\nPerm_Is1: permit #1 issue date\nPerm_Is2: permit #2 issue date\nSCH_Dat1: permit #1 scheduled completion date\nSCH_Dat2: permit #2 scheduled completion date\nACTL_DA1: permit #1 actual completion date \nACTL_DA2: permit #2 actual completion date\nFondTyp1: foundation type 1\nFondDes1: foundation type 1 description\nExWllTyp1: exterior wall type 1\nExWllDes1: exterior wall type 1 description\nExWllTyp2: exterior wall type 2\nExWllDes2: exterior wall type 2 description\nHeatTyp1: heating type 1\nHeatDes1: heating type 1 description\nFlrTyp1: flooring type 1\nFlrDes1: flooring type 1 description\nFlrTyp2: flooring type 2\nFlrDes2: flooring type 2 description\nRStrTyp1: roof structure type 1\nRCovTyp1: roof covering type 1\nRCovDes1: roof covering type 1 description\nRCovTyp2: roof covering type 2\nRCovDes2: roof covering type 2 description\nHtdSqFt: heated square footage of structure on the property\nMUNICIPALITY: if in corporate limits or ETJ\nBITekPIN: same as PIN15 \nBITekMAPNUM: first 4 digits of PIN15; digits 1-4\nBITekBLOCK: two digit block number; digits 5-6\nBITekPDOT: part of the PIN15; digits number 7-10\nCONDO: part of the PIN15; digits number 11-13\nBITekMOTHER: not used;if a parcel was split from another parcel, the new parcel number would be considered the child and the original would be considered the parent or mother\nBItekPRID: not used; old parcel number style based on prior mapping system before NC Grid system maps\nMAIL_ADDRESS1: concatenated mailing address\nMAIL_ADDRESS2: secondary mailing address\nRESCUE_DIST: tax rescue district that the parcel is within\nLEGAL_DSC: legal description\nTOTAL_ACR: total deeded acreage\nY_BLT_HOUS: year house was built\nRStrDes1: roof structure type 1 description\nCondition:condition code\nGrade: tax grade\nLandUnitType: ?\nPLATBOOK: recorded plat book\nPLATPAGE: recorded plat page\nGISPIN: NEEDS TO BE WORKED ON; parcel number or description??\nGISMAPU: not used - first 4 of PIN15\nGISBLOCK: not used - digits 5 & 6 of PIN15\nGISPDOT: not used - digits number 11-13 of PIN15\nGISMOTHER: not used - \nWHAT: acreage calculated within ArcGIS\nCalculatedLandUnits: tax office calculation\nNeighborhoodName: neighborhood code description\nOWNER2: secondary tax parcel owner\nRisk_level: risk level for military air plane accident potential within the AICUZ zones\nNoise_lvl: noise level zones surrounding military air bases\naicuz: stands for \"Air Installation Compatible Use Zone\"; planning zones pertaining to military air bases and the surrounding real estate\nPhysicalAddress: site address concatenated\nFullMailingAddress: full mailing address concatenated\n", "summary": "This data provides the geographic location for parcel boundary lines within the jurisdiction of the Carteret County, NC and is based on recorded surveys and deeds. ", "title": "Parcels", "tags": [ "parcels", "tax", "boundary", "Carteret", "cadastral" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -77.1722129583777, 34.5692777913826 ], [ -76.0143147300605, 35.2174760494441 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet", "accessInformation": "Carteret County Information Technology Department- GIS Division", "licenseInfo": "" }