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The description for each field name is included below:PIN: first 8 digits of PIN15; this would include the MAPNUM, SUBMAP, and BLOCKMAPNUM: first 4 digits of PIN15BLOCK: two digit block number found on old mylars; also digits number 7 and 8 of the PIN15PDOT: part of the PIN15; digits number 9-12 (before the last 3 digits of the PIN15)MAPNAM: first 6 digits of PIN15 map and submapAll fields above are parts of the PIN15 (primary parcel identifier), which is determined by the location of the centroid of a parcel within the State Plane NC Grid SystemCONDO_: condo unit number and also the last 3 digits of the PIN15MOTHER: if a parcel was split from another parcel, the new parcel number would be considered the child and the original would be considered the parent or motherPRID: old parcel number style based on prior mapping system before NC Grid system mapsPIN15: the primary tax parcel identifierWHAT: acreage calculated within ArcGISDeedDate_2: unused fieldV1PTYP: Roll TypeV1PARENT: Parent 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CODE 4V2TOPO05: TOPO CODE 5V2TOPO06: TOPO CODE 6V2TOPO07: TOPO CODE 7V2TOPO08: TOPO CODE 8V2TOPO09:TOPO CODE 9V2TOPO10: TOPO CODE 10V2TOPO11: TOPO CODE 11V2TOPO12: TOPO CODE 12V2TOPO13: TOPO CODE 13V2TOPO14: TOPO CODE 14V2TOPO15: TOPO CODE 15V2TOPO16: TOPO CODE 16V2TOPO17: TOPO CODE 17V2TOPO18: TOPO CODE 18V2TOPO19: TOPO CODE 19V2TOPO20: TOPO CODE 20V4FNDN: Foundation TypeV4FNDNDS: Foundation Type DescriptionV4EXW1: Exterior Wall 1V4EXW1DS:Exterior Wall 1 DescV4EXW2: Exterior Wall 2V4EXW2DS: Exterior Wall 2 DescV4RSTR: Roof Structure TypeV4RSTRDS: Roof Structure Type DescV4RCV1: Roof Covering Type 1V4RCV1DS: Roof Covering Type 1 DescV4RCV2: Roof Covering Type 2V4RCV2DS: Roof Covering Type 2 DescV4FLR1: Flooring Type 1V4FLR1DS: Flooring Type 1 DescV4FLR2: Flooring Type 2V4FLR2DS: Flooring Type 2 DescV4FLR2P: Flooring 2 PercentageV4HEAT: Heat TypeV4HEATDS: Heat Type DescV4_STY: Number of StoriesV4_BAT: Number of BathroomsV4_BDR: Number of BedroomsV4AYB: Bldg Actual Year BuiltV4EYB: Bldg 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