The information displayed by this website is prepared for the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this information are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the information contained on this site. Carteret County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this site.
Carteret County does not guarantee that the data and map services will be available to users without interruption or error. Furthermore, Carteret County may modify or remove map services and access methods at will.
Click on the Zoom In tool on the toolbar and then drag a rectangle of area where you want to zoom.
Clicking on the Zoom Out Button allows you to draw a box on the map and the map will zoom out by the ratio of the extent of the box to the extent of the map.
Click on the Pan tool on the toolbar and then click on the map to move in the direction you want to go. You move the mouse in the opposite way from the direction that you want to go, so if you want to move the map east you click on the right part of the map and drag you mouse left, moving the map right.
Clicking on the Zoom Full Button zooms the map out extent of the county.
Clicking on the Clear Button, clears all the map graphics on the map and removes any search results that you may have had in the Report or Results window.
Clicking on the Print Button brings up the print dialog. (See printing topic for more details)
Clicking on the Pictometry tool button will activate the Pictometry Tool. You need to click a point on the map, then a dialog will appear that shows Cateret County's Pictometry imagery.
Note: All the coordinates are NOT survey quality and therefore only approximations.
Draw Tool allows users to add lines, polygons, points and text to the map
If no features are selected in the map, the print dialog will only show you the print layouts available that do not include a data report
By default, the output will be an Adobe pdf document, but if you would like the output to be another format then use the Output Format dropdown list to choose another option.
By the caption Print Extent: there are two radio buttons.
The Extire Map Extent option means that the image will show take the current view of the map in your browser and attempt to show that entire scene in the printed document. In doing so, however, it will alter the scale of the map either zooming out a little or zooming in a little depending on the orientation and size of your browser window when you attempted to print.
The Specific Map Scale option will keep the same scale of the map or will zoom to the scale that you type into the scale text box. Basically, this will zoom to the center of the browser window and scale the map to the scale that you desire. The resulting image may not show the exact same scene as you see in the browser window. For instance, parcels on the periphery of the browser window may show more or less of the parcel in the printed document. The scale is in one inch equals X format which means that one inch of the printed map represents X feet on the ground. In mapping Map Scale is often depicted in feet, meaning 1 foot on the ground equals X amount of feet on the ground. For instance, the USGS Topo maps are 1:24K scale meaning one foot on the map represents 24,000 feet on the ground.
If you have a selected parcel feature in the map and that feature type that has a report, in this case Parcels, then the print dialog will display both the standard print layout without a report and the print layouts with a report.
The Webviewer's primary focus is looking up parcel information, so the initial search panel has some common searches for looking up a parcels
Default SearchThe Webviewer's primary focus is looking up parcel information, so the Advanced search panel is targeted to look for parcels using some of the other more common fields in our GIS System.
When you identify a parcel, if you click the "Tools" button at the buttom of the Detail panel, the application displays a list of tools that are available for this parcel. One of the tools is named "Select by Location". This tool allows users to buffer a parcel by a distance and query features based on a query.
The search Search By Address (Geo Locator Method) uses an Address Locator web service to search for an address. The Address Locator is made using a Composite Address Locator which will first search on our Address Point layer and then search on our centerline layer. The Address Point result will correspond with the location of the Address Point in the GIS System, normally the center point of the primary structure that is being addressed. The centerline address point is an interpolated address from the beginning of the centerline within which the address point would correspond. This type of address point is generally less accurate than the one based on the address point, but is useful for addresses that have not been formally addressed in the system. Any Address Locator based search will correct for variations in the way road prefixes and suffixes are entered. For instance, the address point may be Whatever St officially in the addressing system, but if you type Whatever Street it will find it anyway.
The second search Enter Address only searches the full address field of our Address Point Layer in the GIS System. Only addresses that have been officially address will appear in the type ahead search.
Find a Street Name
Once you execute a search, the search results will display in the Results Panel.
Tool menu for search results
The details panel display a single record in the database with all the fields
Also for Parcels there are a few additional tools at the bottom of the Details Dialog
You can change the basemap by clicking on the basemap buttons on the top right corner of the map.
These layers are always the bottom layer in the map
Additional years of Orthophotography can be accessed by using the dropdown button on the right side of the tool.
You can turn on and off any other layer in the map by using the table of contents panel.
For some layers, we allow you to adjust the transparency of the layer. Just use the slider bar to make the layer more or less transparent.
A legend will display below the item in the table of contents
To see the legend without all the other control items, choose the legend panel in the Layers Tab
In the desktop version of the Map Viewer, the information is normally displayed in the side panel. You can change the size of the side panel by moving your mouse to the area between the map and side panel. Once you see the splitter icon you can move the divider right or left to increase or decrease the size of the panel.
Use the Toggle Panel button on the side of the map to hide or show the side panel.
Note: If you identify a feature on the map, it will reopen a closed side panel to enable you to see the information.
The menu bar at the top of the device will toggle between the other sections of the application