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snippet: This data is being developed to include all recreational points of interest within parks and along trails in Carteret County. These points include trail heads, picnic areas, restrooms, playgrounds, fitness stations, parking lots, and recreational fac
summary: This data is being developed to include all recreational points of interest within parks and along trails in Carteret County. These points include trail heads, picnic areas, restrooms, playgrounds, fitness stations, parking lots, and recreational fac
extent: [[-77.1539258632683,34.6324083277902],[-76.2781443190009,34.9894338799608]]
accessInformation: Carteret County GIS Department, Carteret County Parks and Recreation Department
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This data is being developed to include all recreational points of interest within parks and along trails in Carteret County. These points include trail heads, picnic areas, restrooms, playgrounds, fitness stations, parking lots, and recreational facilities (e.g. batting cages). The data will be used for improved maintenance of recreational facilities, for providing information on recreational access to the public, and for transportation and land use planning.
title: Recreational_points_of_interest
type: Map Service
tags: ["Parks","recreation","Carteret County parks"]
culture: en-US
name: Recreational_points_of_interest
guid: 7A3DDC2A-B17D-42E9-89B5-8140A064F5D8
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet