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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description: This data set is a collection of polygons representing the boundaries of subdivisions wholly or partially within the County of Carteret (North Carolina) political boundary. The subdivisions were mapped using the legal description field in the county tax parcel layer (e.g. "LOT 1 SEA GATE"), map books from the Carteret County Register of Deeds office, and new surveys of parcel divisions. The subdivisions are closed polygons with unique names and the number of lots and square footage calculated. The data was first created in 2013 and was updated from November of 2014 to January of 2015 by the Carteret County IT Department.
All Layers and Tables Has Versioned Data: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Copyright Text: Carteret County Information Technology Department (GIS Division), Carteret County Tax Department, Carteret County Register of Deeds
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: 2514046.1618954237
YMin: 363080.4347097765
XMax: 2855332.122812212
YMax: 524756.5069593699
Spatial Reference: 102719
Full Extent:
XMin: 2555391.393239796
YMin: 331399.79703964293
XMax: 2814004.297928974
YMax: 473827.3878400624
Spatial Reference: 102719
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Comments: This data set is a collection of polygons representing the boundaries of subdivisions wholly or partially within the County of Carteret (North Carolina) political boundary. The subdivisions were mapped using the legal description field in the county tax parcel layer (e.g. "LOT 1 SEA GATE"), map books from the Carteret County Register of Deeds office, and new surveys of parcel divisions. The subdivisions are closed polygons with unique names and the number of lots and square footage calculated. The data was first created in 2013 and was updated from November of 2014 to January of 2015 by the Carteret County IT Department.
Subject: These data were derived by the GIS Division of the Carteret County Information Technology Department as an effort to create an up-to-date representation of subdivisions in the County of Carteret. Previous data only represented a small portion of majo
Keywords: Subdivisions,boundary
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : false
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values