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Layer: Tax Neighbhorhoods (ID: 0)

Name: Tax Neighbhorhoods

Display Field: NeighborhoodName

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: This dataset is maintained by the Carteret County Mapping/Land Records Division. Data is updated on an as needed basis. Parcels are mapped and identifiers (PIN15 numbers) are assigned using the NAD_1927_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200 coordinate system. However, the projected coordinate system for this feature class is the NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet coordinate system. Parcels are mapped in a different coordinate system by bringing the layer into a map with the data frame spatial reference set to NAD 1927 so that they are projected on the fly from NAD 1983. The description for each field name is included below:PIN: first 8 digits of PIN15; this would include the MAPNUM, SUBMAP, and BLOCKMAPNUM: first 4 digits of PIN15BLOCK: two digit block number found on old mylars; also digits number 7 and 8 of the PIN15PDOT: part of the PIN15; digits number 9-12 (before the last 3 digits of the PIN15)MAPNAM: first 6 digits of PIN15 map and submapAll fields above are parts of the PIN15 (primary parcel identifier), which is determined by the location of the centroid of a parcel within the State Plane NC Grid SystemCONDO_: condo unit number and also the last 3 digits of the PIN15MOTHER: if a parcel was split from another parcel, the new parcel number would be considered the child and the original would be considered the parent or motherPRID: old parcel number style based on prior mapping system before NC Grid system mapsPIN15: the primary tax parcel identifierWHAT: acreage calculated within ArcGISDeedDate_2: unused fieldV1PTYP: Roll TypeV1PARENT: Parent PIN #V1USE: Use CodeV1USECS: Use Code DescriptionV1NBHD: Neighborhood CodeV1CNDO: Condo Complex Code #V1ONAME: Owner's NameV1SHOUSE: Situs House #V1SSNAM: Situs Road NameV1SSTYP: Situs Street TypeV1SSDIR: Situs Street DirectionV1SAPT: Situs Apartment #V1SCITY: Situs CityV1SZIP4: Situs Zip 4V1SZIP5: Situs Zip 5V1DIST: District CodeV1LAND: Land ValueV1BLDG: Building ValueV1XFEA: Extra Features ValueV1TOTAL: Total ValueV1NMBR1: Permit # 1V1NMBR2: Permit # 2V1PRMT1: Permit Type 1V1PRMT2: Permit Type 2V1DESC1: Permit Desc 1V1DESC2: Permit Desc 2V1ISSD1: Permit Issue Date 1V1ISSD2: Permit Issue Date 2V1SCHD1: Permit Date Sched Completion 1V1SCHD2: Permit Date Sched Completion 2V1CPACTL1: Permit Date Actually Completed 1V1CPACTL2: Permit Date Actually Completed 2V1CNAME: Condo Complex NameV1AYB: Condo Actual Year BuiltV1EYB: Condo Effective Year BuiltV1_SQF: Condo Unit Sq FeetV1UNTNO: Condo Unit #V1FLR: Condo Floor #V1OHOUSE: Mailing Addr House #V1OSNAM: Mailing Addr Street NameV1OSTYP: Mailing Addr Street TypeV1OSDIR: Mailing Addr Street DirectionV1OADR2: Mailing Addr AdditionalV1OCITY: Mailing Addr CityV1OST: Mailing Addr StateV1OZIP4: Mailing Addr Zip 4V1OZIP5: Mailing Addr Zip 5V1TOWND: TownshipV1FIRED: Fire DistrictV1RESCD: Rescue DistrictV1TCITY: True CityV1DBOOK: Deed BookV1DPAGE: Deed PageV1DDATE: Deed Recd DateV1DPRICE: Deed Sales PriceV1PBOOK: Plat BookV1PPAGE: Plat PageV1USEVAL: Use ValueV1DEF: Deferred ValueV1LGLDS: Legal DescriptionV2ACRES: Deeded AcresV2ROAD01: ROAD CODE 1V2ROAD02: ROAD CODE 2V2ROAD03: ROAD CODE 3V2ROAD04: ROAD CODE 4V2ROAD05: ROAD CODE 5V2ROAD06: ROAD CODE 6V2ROAD07: ROAD CODE 7V2ROAD08: ROAD CODE 8V2ROAD09: ROAD CODE 9V2ROAD10: ROAD CODE 10V2ROAD11: ROAD CODE 11V2ROAD12: ROAD CODE 12V2ROAD13: ROAD CODE 13V2ROAD14: ROAD CODE 14V2ROAD15: ROAD CODE 15V2ROAD16: ROAD CODE 16V2ROAD17: ROAD CODE 17V2ROAD18: ROAD CODE 18V2ROAD19: ROAD CODE 19V2ROAD20: ROAD CODE 20V2TOPO01: TOPO CODE 1V2TOPO02: TOPO CODE 2V2TOPO03: TOPO CODE 3V2TOPO04: TOPO CODE 4V2TOPO05: TOPO CODE 5V2TOPO06: TOPO CODE 6V2TOPO07: TOPO CODE 7V2TOPO08: TOPO CODE 8V2TOPO09:TOPO CODE 9V2TOPO10: TOPO CODE 10V2TOPO11: TOPO CODE 11V2TOPO12: TOPO CODE 12V2TOPO13: TOPO CODE 13V2TOPO14: TOPO CODE 14V2TOPO15: TOPO CODE 15V2TOPO16: TOPO CODE 16V2TOPO17: TOPO CODE 17V2TOPO18: TOPO CODE 18V2TOPO19: TOPO CODE 19V2TOPO20: TOPO CODE 20V4FNDN: Foundation TypeV4FNDNDS: Foundation Type DescriptionV4EXW1: Exterior Wall 1V4EXW1DS:Exterior Wall 1 DescV4EXW2: Exterior Wall 2V4EXW2DS: Exterior Wall 2 DescV4RSTR: Roof Structure TypeV4RSTRDS: Roof Structure Type DescV4RCV1: Roof Covering Type 1V4RCV1DS: Roof Covering Type 1 DescV4RCV2: Roof Covering Type 2V4RCV2DS: Roof Covering Type 2 DescV4FLR1: Flooring Type 1V4FLR1DS: Flooring Type 1 DescV4FLR2: Flooring Type 2V4FLR2DS: Flooring Type 2 DescV4FLR2P: Flooring 2 PercentageV4HEAT: Heat TypeV4HEATDS: Heat Type DescV4_STY: Number of StoriesV4_BAT: Number of BathroomsV4_BDR: Number of BedroomsV4AYB: Bldg Actual Year BuiltV4EYB: Bldg Effective Year BuiltV4HGHT: Room HeightV4OCC: Occupancy TypeV4OCCDS: Occupancy Type DescV4COND: Condition CodeV4CONDDS: Condition Code DescV4SFAC: Bldg Actual AreaV4SFHT: Bldg Heating AreaV5RBOOK: Record Deed Book #V5RPAGE: Record Book Page #V5RDATE: Record Sale DateV5VI: Vacant/ImprovedV5PRICE: Record Sale PriceV5GNTR: Sale GrantorV5GNTE: Sale Grantee

Copyright Text: Carteret County Mapping/Land Records Division

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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